Florida Luxury Cruises Private Yachts

During your private cruise, you may see wildlife! We often see dolphins skipping alongside the boat. They are usually gray or brownish-gray in color. Their length averages at about 5 feet. Typically they play in groups of two or three. But we’ve seen them in groups of ten before! They are easy to spot because the sun reflects off their skin. Dolphins love to dance through the waves, flip water with their tails, and swim in the wake of the yacht. When they decide to leap out of the water, it’s simply amazing at how stunning they look. Our licensed master captain and crew mate are always on the lookout, they will do their best point them out. Imagine your children’s excitement when they see a wild dolphin, while they enjoy a private cruise with you. What an incredible way to make memories together!

We include a beautifully hand-crafted charcuterie board with every private cruise. They are from a family owned, local Italian market, Plateroti’s Italian Gourmet.

Our boards include domestic whole milk provolone cheese, Emmental Swiss cheese from France, hand-pressed crackers made with double zero flour from Italy, fully-cooked ham from Canada, domestic country style mild salami, fresh picked grapes from Peru, organic cornichons from France, and chorizo filled green olives from France. Each and every one of our charcuterie boards are hand-crafted to perfection for each of our guests to enjoy.

There is so much wildlife to see while you’re out on the yacht, including Florida birds. This is a Great Egret bird. They are impressively large, with a wingspan of about 57 inches. I always find it funny how they awkwardly walk.

These birds prey on the marine fish and sometimes are seen swimming instead of wading to catch their food. They are typically found on the dock, in swampy areas, or perched near the water. This photo was taken of a Great Egret standing alongside the yacht. These birds can be found year around in Florida.

It’s always so enjoyable when one is spotted. I see wild birds almost every time I’m out on the water.
Your private cruise is all the more enjoyable, when you see wildlife along the way.